Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Dallin!!

It's me-Allery. I'm taking over for Gabby today! ;) My baby boy is 7 years old today! I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Can't believe he is 7, and that we have been in our current home in Michigan for 7 years! I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with Dallin when we moved in! He was a handful when he was born. Very CRANKY, but so worth all the sleepless nights! Each year Dallin just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter! Not sure how much sweeter he can get. He has definitely taken the role of the peacemaker in the family, and is such a wonderful big brother to his little sister. He's a classic little brother who loves and looks up to his big brother.
I am so thankful to have this little guy in my life! Happy Birthday Dallin!! I love you!

So, let me explain why he looks so sad in the first picture! Yesterday I realized he had a fever midmorning, which was a major bummer, considering he was supposed to have his birthday party in the afternoon. He was heart broken after Matt broke the news to him, and I felt so bad for him. We ended up calling the doctor since his temp was at 1o3 and was still climbing. He diagnosed him with the flu and put Dallin on tamiflu. He was pretty much lethargic all day, and went to bed early. This morning, which was his birthday, he woke up feeling good. However, after playing around just a few minutes, he was beat and rested all morning at home, while Matt, Kaiden, and Dallin went to church. He held onto his birthday present all morning and watched the clock until Matt and the kids got back.
As soon as the Matt and the kids got back, Dallin ripped into his present and was surprised to see a Nintendo DS. He was pretty happy. He started perking up and his fever went away. Knock on wood, he went to bed fever free and feeling good. We'll see how he is in the morning.

Like I said earlier, where has the time gone? I can't believe he is 7 already!!

Happy Birthday Dallin!! I love you!